Inclusive and social business, Innovation Management, Social Enterprises, Business Models, Corporate Social Responsibility
- Since 2006 to now, scientific coordinator for the Master “Marketing and Events Organization”
- Assistant Professor in Business Organization (2009-2012), LUMSA University
- Visiting Professor – ISCEM, Instituto Superior de Comunicação Empresarial, in Lisbon (A.Y. 2010-2011 and 2011-2012)
- Research Fellow in Management (2006 – 2008) - LUMSA University
- Ph.D in Science of Communication (2007) - LUMSA University - Thesis title: “Profit Business-NGO alliance for Sustainability Development”.
- Degree in Science of Communication (2000) - LUMSA University (110/110 cum lode).
- Management and Customer Relationship Management, LUMSA (A.A. 2013-2014)
- Business Organization (40h), Università LUMSA (A.A. 2011-2012)
- Management (40h), Università LUMSA (A.A.2009-2010 e 2010-2011)
- Corporate Social Responsibility , Università LUMSA (A.A. 2009-2010 e 2010-2011)
- Corporate Social Responsibility, Università ISCEM di Lisbona (A.A. 2009-2010 e 2010-2011)
- Marketing del Turismo, Università degli Studi di Siena (A.A. 2008-2009 e 2007-2008)
- Marketing , Università Telematica Universitas Mercatorum (A.A. 2008-2009)
- Marketing , ISIA Roma Design, (A.A. 2005-2006-2007)
- Principal Investigator for the research “Innovazione e trasferimento tecnologico”. The project was funded by Regione Lazio (2015)
- Co-investigator for the research “La comunicazione integrata di marketing tra online e offline: nuove sfide per gli advertiser”. The project was funded by CERMES Centro di Ricerca su Marketing e Servizi dell’Università Bocconi (2013).
- Principal Investigator for the research “The Business Street”, within the research project “Il Festival e il Mercato Internazionale del Film di Roma”, (2011). The project was funded by the Fondazione Cinema per Roma.
- Co-investigator for the research “Il Settore della Grafica e della Stampa nella Provincia di Roma: Sistema Economico e Percorsi Strategici delle Imprese”, (2009-2010). The project was funded by Regione Lazio.
- Co-investigator for th research I-COM “Le aree protette marine e terrestri: come rendere la tutela ambientale un moltiplicatore di sviluppo locale” (2008). The project was funded by Ministero dell'Ambiente,
- She won a scholarship to the University of Trento for a research project on “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) e creazione di network di relazioni fiduciarie con gli stakeholders” (2008 - 2009).