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profile picture Luigino Bruni

Luigino Bruni

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Professore ordinario




GEPLI (Roma)

Corso di Laurea

Management, Finance and Data Analytics,

Scienze del servizio sociale e del non profit (Roma)

Luigino Bruni

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Curriculum vitae



Orari di ricevimento

Durante il periodo delle lezioni ricevo il mercoledì ore 12.00-13.00 presso il mio studio in Via Pompeo Magno, 28. Se non sono previste lezioni si prega di richiedere appuntamento via mail per il ricevimento online.

Didattica e insegnamenti

Insegnamento Anno accademico CFU


2023 / 2024



2023 / 2024



2022 / 2023



2022 / 2023



2021 / 2022



2021 / 2022



Aree di ricerca del docente

Economia civile

Management e finanza

Organizzazione e management aziendale

Benessere organizzativo




Tutte le pubblicazioni



  • La comunidad frágil, Editorial Ciudad Nueva, Argentina, Mayo 2023
  • critica della ragione manageriale, EMP, Padova, 2023
  • La fedeltà e il riscatto, Qiqajon,Collana Sequela Oggi, Bose, 2023
  • Il segno e la carne, EDB, Bologna, 2023
  • Capitalism and Christianity. Origin, Spirit and Betrayal of the market economy, Routledge,London,2023
  • Il segno e la carne, EDB, Bologna, 2023
  • The Economy of Francesco - Città Nuova-Un glossario per riparare il linguaggio dell’economia a cura di  Stefano Rozzoni e Plinio Limata, Città Nuova, Roma, Settembre 2022
  • La civiltà della cicogna- Un’indagine storico-teologica alle radici della meritocrazia,Edizioni Sanpino, Torino, 2022
  • Capitalismo meridiano, Alle radici dello spirito mercantile tra religione e profitto, il Mulino, Bologna, 2022
  • Profezia è storia, Dehoniane, Bologna, 2022
  • Il Vangelo secondo Marco, Paoline, Milano, 2022
  • Lezioni di storia del pensiero economico. Un percorso dall'antichità al Novecento, Città Nuova, 2021, con Paolo Santori e Stefano Zamagni
  • L’uso dei beni, con Massimo Grilli,  Pontificio Istituto Biblico, Roma, 2021
  • A Modern Guide to the Economics of Happiness, Elgar Modern Guides, 2021 with Alessandra Smerilli and Dalila De Rosa
  •  L' esilio e la promessa. Commento al libro di Ezechiele, Dehoniane,  Bologna,, 2021 
  • Diàlogos de la noche e y de la aurora, Editorial Ciudad Nueva, Madrid, 2021
  • The Economics of Values, Ideals and Organizations, Routledge, London, 2021
  •  L'arte della Gratuità. Come il Capitalismo è nato dal cristianesimo e come lo ha tradito, Vita E Pensiero, 2021
  • L'anima e la Cetra.  Ciò che i salmi dicono di noi, Qiqajon,Collana Sequela Oggi, Bose, 2021
  • Più grandi della colpa, Dehoniane, Bologna 2020
  • I colori del cigno. Quando le persone sono più grandi delle loro organizzazioni, Città Nuova, Roma, 2020 
  • Reziprozität. Grundform der sozialen, ökonomischen und politischen Ordnung, Springer 2020,
  • La destruction créatrice,Affronter les crises dans les mouvements et communautés, Editions Nouvelle Cité,2021
  • The Microeconomics of Wellbeing and Sustainability, con L. Becchetti e S. Zamagni, Academic Press Elsevier, London, 2019
  • The Economy of Salvation, Springer, 2019
  • La pubblica felicità, Vita e Pensiero, Milano, 2018
  • Capitalismo infelice, Giunti, Firenze, 2018
  • Civil Economy, con S. Zamagni, Agendapro, London , 2016
  • Il mercato e il dono, Egea, Milano, 2015
  • A Lexicon of Social Well-Being, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2015
  • Vilfredo Pareto, Manual of Political Economy - A Critical and Variorum Edition, con Aldo Montesano, Alberto Zanni, John S. Chipman, e  Michael McLure, Oxford University Press, 2014
  • The Economics of Values-Based Organisations, con A. Smerilli, Routledge, London, 2014
  • The Genesis and Ethos of the Market, Palgrave MacMillan, 2012
  • L'impresa civile, Egea, Milano, 2009. 
  • Reciprocity, altruism and civil society, Routledge, London, 2008
  • Civil Economy, con S. Zamagni, Peter Lang, Oxford, 2007
  • Civil Happiness, Routledge, London, 2006.
  • Economia civile, con S. Zamagni, Il Mulino, Bologna 2004.
  • Vilfredo Pareto and the birth of the modern microeconomics, Elgar, Chelterham, 2002

 Contributi in riviste

  1. Economics and the Commons: History, Tragedies, and Some Exercises. In: Rotondi, V., Santori, P. (eds) Rethinking Economics Starting from the Commons. Contributions to Economics. Springer, Cham., pp 1-15, 2023
  2. L.Bruni, P. Santori, "The Adam Smith Problem Theologically Reconsidered.". (a cura di) J. J. Ballor, C.van der Kooi, Theology, Morality and Adam Smith . London:Routledge, p.258 - 275 , 2022  
  3. L. BRUNI, Sorrentino D., Economia umana. La lezione e la profezia di Giuseppe Toniolo: una rilettura sistematica, review in RIVISTA INTERNAZIONALE DI SCIENZE SOCIALI - RESEARCH IN SOCIAL SCIENCES, 1/2022, p 89, maggio 2022
  4. L. BRUNI - T. REGGIANI - P. SANTORI - A. SMERILLI, The Gnostic Pandemic: Virtual Worship and the EclipsE of Community in the Time of Covid-19 in RIVISTA INTERNAZIONALE DI SCIENZE SOCIALI - RESEARCH IN SOCIAL SCIENCES, 1/2022, pp. 45-65, maggio 2022
  5. The Economy of the Last Time in RIVISTA INTERNAZIONALE DI SCIENZE SOCIALI - RESEARCH IN SOCIAL SCIENCES, 2021, n. 4, p.351, ottobre-dicembre 2021
  6. The other invisible hand. The social and economic effects of theodicy in Vico and Genovesi,  with Paolo Santori in The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, marzo 2022, 
  7. The Samaritan’s Trust Game in Journal of Economics, in Theology and Religion, vol. 1, no. 2 (2021): 117-135 ISSN: 2772-9001
  8. Il mondo cattolico fra Stato, mercato ed economia civile: la cooperativa ed i beni relazionali, in "Il pensiero economico italiano", XXIX fasc.2 (2021) issn: 1122-8784 con Santori P. e Amoroso R.R.
  9. "Non vertù ma mercatantia".Tommaso d'Aquino e Dante Alighieri sull'economia del loro tempo in Munera. Rivista europea di cultura (3/2021)pp: 35-42 - ISSN: 2280-5036 con Santori P.
  10.  Le molte dimensioni della cruna e del cammello. Cristianesimo ed economia in prospettiva storica in STUDIA PATAVINA Anno LXVII – n. 3 Ottobre-Dicembre 2020 p. 459
  11.  Special Issue: Happiness, Capabilities, and Opportunities in International Review of Economics, Springer, vol. 67, pages1–3 (2020) con  Sergio Beraldo 
  12.  The Illusion of Merit and the Demons of Economic Meritocracy: Which are the Legitimate Expectations of the Market?”, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, ISSN: 1573-0697, doi: 
  13. “Critique of Managerial Reason”,  HUMANISTIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, ISSN: 2366-6048, doi:
  14. “The founder’s curse: the stronger the founder, the weaker the organization” with A. Antoci, P. Russu, A.Smerilli, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Volume 84, May 2020, 105190
  15. “Capitalism and Its New-Old Religion: a Civil Economy Perspective”, Zeitschrift füR Marktwirtschaft Und Ethik, vol. 6, p. 121-131, ISSN: 2198-6800
  16. Special Issue:’ Happiness, Capabilities, and Opportunities’  with Sergio Beraldoin International Review of Economics, Springer, vol. 67, pages1–3 (2020) 
  17. “Martin Luther and the different spirits of capitalism in Europe” with Milbank J., International Review Of Economics, ISSN: 1863-4613
  18. "The Pied Piper:  An Experiment on Prizes, Incentives, and Motivation", with Pelligra V., Reggiani T., Rizzolli M., Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 155, p. 1-16, ISSN: 0167-4544
  19.  “Cooperatives and Happiness. Cross-country Evidence on the Role of Relational Capital” with De Rosa D., and Ferri G, Applied Economics, vol. 59, ISSN: 1466-4283
  20.  “The Plural Roots and Rewards. Avards and Incentives in Aquinas and Genovesi” with Paolo Santori, European Journal of History of Economic Thought , Special issue on Genovesi, vol. 25, p. 637-657, ISSN: 0967-2567
  21. “Sen, Smith and the Cambridge Tradition”. In: Qizilbash M., Chiappero E., (edd) Handbook on Capabilities, Cambridge University press, 2018, in press
  22. “The Rent Disease. Achille Loria's criticism to the capitalistic society”, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, July 2018  
  23. “The Capitalistic Religion: Old Questions, New Insights”. In: Bouckaert L., Ims K., Rona P. (eds) Art, Spirituality and Economics. Virtues and Economics, vol 2. Springer, 2018, Cham DOI
  24. “Hope and the Paradox of Merit: The New Dogmas of Business Religion”. In: Van den Heuvel S., Nullens P. (eds) Driven by Hope. Ecoomics and Theology in  Dialogue, Peeters, Leuven, 2018 
  1. “The value of vulnerability: The transformative capacity of risky trust” with Fabio Tufano, Judgment and Decision Making, 2017, vol. 12, 4, p.408 - 414
  2. “On the Concept of Economia Civile and Felicitas Publica: A Comment on Federico D'Onofrio”, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, vol. 39, 2, p.273 - 279 , DOI:
  3. “L'economia civile, il benessere e la pubblica felicità”, in Economia è cooperazione. Roma: Città Nuova Editrice, 2017, Dorigatti M., Zamagni S. Edd, , p.89 - 114 , ISBN: 9788831101943
  4. “Economics and Vulnerability: Relationships, Incentives, Meritocracy” in Economics as a Moral Science, Peter Rona, Laszlo Zsolnai, Edd. Heidelberg:Springer International Publishing, vol. 1 - 2017, p.107 - 128 , DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-53291-2 , ISBN: 978-3-319-53290-5
  5. "On civil economy and public happiness", Journal of  History of  Economic Thougth, in press, 2016 
  6. “Economics and theology special issue: introduction” with Paul Oslington and Stefano Zamagni, International Review of Economics, 2016, vol. 63, issue 1, pp. 1-5
  7. "The Challenges of Public Happiness: An Historical-Methodological Reconstruction", with S. Zamagni, in World Happiness Report, John F. Helliwell, Richard Layard, and Jeffrey Sachs (edd), United Nations, New York , 2016
  8. “Les relations en tant que biens”, La revue du Mauss, 47 (2016), pp. 45-63
  9. "Public happiness and relational goods: that crucial link that economics and policy often forget". In Policy of happiness, S. Bartolini, E. Bilancini, L. Bruni, P. Porta (edd), Oxford University Press. pp. 262-281, Oxford,  2016
  10. "Economics, well-being and happiness: history and protagonists", in Handbook of research methods and applications in happiness and quality of life, L. Bruni and  P. Porta (edd),  pp. 334-348. E. Elgar. Cheltenham (2016).
  11. “Does Cooperativeness Promote Happiness? Cross-country Evidence” with Giovanni Ferri. MoFiR w.p. n. 107, pp. 1-23, 2015.
  12. “Economics, wealth and happiness in historical perspective”,  RIVISTA INTERNAZIONALE DI SCIENZE SOCIALI, vol.1, p. 41-56, ISSN: 0035-676X, 2015.
  13. "Commerce, reciprocity and civil virtues: the contribution of the Civil economy", in Commerce and Community, R.F. Garnett, P. Lewis and T. Ealy edd, pp. 85-100. Routeldge, London, 2015
  14. "Human Values, Civil Economy, and Subjective Well-being, with L. Becchetti and S. Zamagni. In World Happiness Report, John F. Helliwell, Richard Layard, and Jeffrey Sachs (edd), United Nations, New York,  2015. 
  15. "Cesare Beccaria's On Crimes and Punishments", with Pier Luigi Porta History of Economics Review, 60, pp. 64-75, 2014.
  16. "The Value of Sociality: Economics and Relationality in the Light of the Economy of Communion", Revista portuguesa de Filosofia, 70(1), pp. 61-79, 2014.
  17. "The paretian turn. The foundation of the theory of rational choice, and its discontents", European Journal of Social Sciences, 51(2), pp. 47-64, 2014 
  18. "Economic and Theology in Italy since the Eighteenth Century", with Stefano Zamagni, in The Oxford Handbook of Christianity and Economics, pp. 57-72, 2014. 
  19. “Beyond Carrots and Sticks: How Cooperation and its Rewards Evolve Together”, with F.Panebianco and A. Smerilli, Review of Social Economy, 72(1), pp. 55-82, 2014. 
  20. “Reclaiming Virtue Ethics for Economics”, with R. Sugden, Journal of Economic perspectives, 27 (4), pp. 141-64, 2013.
  21. “On virtues and awards: Giacinto Dragonetti and the tradition of Economia Civile in enlightenment Italy “(2013), Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 35(4), pp 517-535, 2013.
  22. “The Effect of Motivations on Social Indirect Reciprocity: an Experimental Analysis”, with L. Stanca and M. Mantovani, Applied Economics Letters, 18 (17), 1709-1711, 2011.
  23. Curatela del numero special "Irec", Economics of rights, welfare and cooperation, with Sergio Beraldo, 2011.
  24. “The happiness of sociality. Economics and eudaimonia”, Rationality and Society,22(4), pp. 383-406, 2010. 
  25. "Il 'Delle virtù e dei premi' di G. Dragonetti", Storia del Pensiero Economico, 2010.
  26. Voce “felicità”, Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani.
  27. “The value of vocation. The role of intrinsically motivated people in value based organizations", with A. Smerilli, Review of Social Economy, 67(3), pp.272-288, 2009. 
  28. “Testing theories of reciprocity”, with L. Stanca and L. Corazzini, JEBO, Aug. 2009. 
  29. “La nascita dell’economia nell’Europa illuminista: Napoli e Scozia a confronto”, Storia e Politica, pp. 281-302, 2009.
  30. "Fraternity, intrinsic motivation and sacrifice:  a reply to Gui and Nelson", with R. Sugden, Economics and Philosophy, 25(2), pp. 195-198, 2009.
  31. “Pareto’s methodological project”, in New essays on Pareto’s economic theory, edited by L. Bruni and A. Montesano, Routeldge, London, 2009.
  32. "Fraternity: why the market need not to be a morally free zone", woth R. Sugden, Economics and Philosophy, 24, pp. 35-64, 2008. 
  33. "Watching alone. Happiness, Relational goods and television", con L. Stanca, JEBO, 65, pp. 506-528, 2008. 
  34. “Back to Aristotle?”, in Bruni L. Comim F.and M. Pugno, Capabilities and Happiness, OUP, 2008.
  35. "CSR e responsabilità civile dell'impresa: due tradizioni a confronto in prospettiva storica", Impresa e Storia, 35, pp. 95-114, 2008. 
  36. "The road not taken: how psychology was removed from economics, and how it might be brought back", con Robert Sugden, in The Economic Journal,  117(516), pp. 146-173, 2007. 
  37. "L'evoluzione della cooperazione in un mondo eterogeneo”, with A. Smerilli, RISS, 1, pp. 49-80, 2007.  
  38. “Felicità ed economia: nuovi percorsi della storia e della teoria economica”, with P. Porta, Economia e Politica industriale, XXXIV, pp. 9-36. 
  39. "Income aspirations, Television and Happiness: evidence from the World Values Survey", with Luca Stanca, Kyklos, 59, pp. 209-225, 2006. 
  40. Hic Sunt Leones: social relations as unexplored territory in the economic tradition”, in B. Gui and R. Sugden (a cura di), Economics and Sociality, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 
  41. "The 'Happiness transformation problem' in Cambridge Tradition, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought", 11, pp. 433-452, 2004. 
  42. "The Technology of Happiness in the tradition of Economic Science", Journal of History of Economic Thougth, 26(1), pp. 19-43, 2004. 
  43. "Economia civile and Pubblica felicità in the Italian Enlightnment", History of Political Economy, n. 35, Supplement 1, pp. 361-385, 2003. 
  44. L’economia e i paradossi della felicità”, edited by P. Sacco and S. Zamagni, Complessità relazionale e comportamento economico, verso un nuovo paradigma di razionalità, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2002. 
  45. “Pareto and the Epistemological Foundations of Choice Theory”, (with F. Guala), History of Political Economy, 33, pp. 21-49, 2001. 
  46. “Consents and Dissents: Moments of the Reception of Italian Economists in England: 1878 - 1938”, edited by P.F. Asso, From Economists to Economists, Polistampa, Firenze, 2001. 
  47. Moral Canals: Trust and Social Capital in the Work of Hume, Smith and Genovesi”, with R. Sugden, Economics and Philosophy, 16, pp. 21-45, 2000. 
  48. “Ego facing alter: how economists have depicted human relations”, Annals of public and co-operative economics, 71, pp. 295-313, 2000. 
  49. “The Historical School Taken Seriously. The Debate on the “Economic Principle” According to De Viti, Pantaleoni and Pareto”, Revue Européenne des Sciences Sociales, 37, pp. 149-172, 1999.  
  50. “Intervista a Gérard Debreu”, with Bini Piero, Storia del pensiero economico, 35, 3-29, 1998.  
  51. “Il dialogo con Vailati nello sviluppo della teoria dell’azione in Pareto”, Il pensiero economico italiano, 1, pp. 57-91. 1997. 
  52. “‘Principio economico” e “fenomeno economico” nel pensiero di Pantaleoni e Pareto. Uno studio sulla razionalità economica: 1889-1899”, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, pp. 139-179, 1997. 
  53. “The “Unwritten” Second Edition of Pareto’s Cours d’économie politique and its Italian Translation”, History of Economic Ideas, 3, pp. 103-126, 1997. 

78. “Gli anelli mancanti. La genesi del Trattato di sociologia generale di Pareto alla luce di lettere e manoscritti inediti”, Il Pensiero Economico Italiano, 1/9, pp. 93-135, 1996.