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profile picture Antonio Forte

Antonio Forte

Economista senior presso il Centro Europa Ricerche, Professore a contratto LUMSA e Università di Salerno, Ph.d. in Economia

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Antonio Forte

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Curriculum vitae

- Work Experience -

- from Apr ’10 – to (on going)

Senior Economist - CER-Centro Europa Ricerche, Roma, Italia

Economist in the fields of Central Banking, Italian banking system, International economy, Italian economy and public debt. Responsible of the biannual Report on the Italian banking system "Rapporto Banche". Supervisor of the monthly publications “Update on the credit system”, “International scenario” and “Italian scenario”. Responsible of the International econometric model, Italian econometric model and Italian banking system econometric model. Co-author of the reports on the Italian economy called “Rapporto CER”. Responsible of the following activities: definition of an econometric model on cooperative banking system-BCC for Federcasse, 2011; report on tourism and trade sectors for UILTucs, 2013; report on Italian SMEs for the MISE-Ministry for Economic Development, 2016; report on the asymmetries of European banking supervision and on the shadow banking system for the European parliamentary group Europe of Nations and Freedom, 2017; author of an Economic Glossary for Tinaba, 2018; author of Reports on Italian engineering companies activity for OICE, from 2018; co-author of Reports on Italian companies for the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers, 2018; consultant of the group for the establishment of the IPS of the Raiffeisen banks in the province of Bolzano, 2019-20.


- from Feb ’24 – to (on going) 

Contract Professor - LUMSA University, Department of Law, Economics, Politics and Modern languages, Roma, Italia

Course “Macroeconomics”, 60 hours per year, 1 academic year


- from Oct ’22 – to (on going)

Contract Professor - University of Salerno, DISES Department of Economics and Statistics, Fisciano, Italia

Course “International Economy”, 30 hours per year, 2 academic year.



- from Feb ’20 – to Feb ‘24

Contract Professor - LUMSA University, Dipartimento di Scienze Umane, Comunicazione, Formazione e Psicologia, Roma, Italia

Course “Economics”, 40 hours per year, 3 academic years


- from Nov ’11 – to Jan ‘22

Tutor - ABIFormazione, Roma, Italia

Banking and Financial Diploma Master, teacher of different modules “The Financial Intermediation Scenario”, “Private banking and Asset Management”, “Financial Investments and Financial Markets” (including ethical finance), “Risk Management”, more than 250 hours of lessons.


- from Feb ’18 – to Sep ‘19

Teaching assistant - University Rome TRE, Department of Law, Roma, Italia

Course “Economics”, 20 hours per year, 2 academic years


- from Jun ’12 – to Feb ‘15

Contract Professor - University of Bari, Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione, Psicologia e Comunicazione, Bari, Italia

Course “Economic Globalization”, 40 hours per year, 2 academic years



- Education -

-from 2021 – to (on going)

Research Fellowship - University of Salerno, DISES Department of Economics and Statistics, Italy

Assegno di Ricerca, topics: Italian banking system


- from 2007 – to 2010

PhD in Economics - University of Bari, DSE Department of Economics, Italy

Dottorato di ricerca in Economia, topics: Central Banking, Inflation, Monetary policy


- from 1999 – to 2005

BsC in Economics - University of Bari, Facoltà di Economia, Italy

Laurea in Economia e Commercio (magna cum laude), topics: Italian economy and Globalization

Orari di ricevimento

Il ricevimento sarà svolto al termine della lezione del martedì.

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Didattica e insegnamenti

Insegnamento Anno accademico Percorso di studi CFU


2023 / 2024



2022 / 2023

Comunicazione d'impresa, marketing e digital media



2022 / 2023

Giornalismo, relazioni pubbliche e digital media


Altre informazioni sugli insegnamenti

Tutte le pubblicazioni

2007    G. Coco, G. Ferri, A. Forte, “Il futuro dei Confidi in Puglia”, Bari Economica (rivista bimestrale della Camera di Commercio di Bari) n. 4/2007.

2009      “La percezione della crisi nel giudizio degli operatori economici” in CER (Centro Europa Ricerche) Rapporto n. 4/2008, Gennaio 2009.

2009     “Nuovi indicatori di inflazione importata” in CER (Centro Europa Ricerche) Rapporto n. 4/2008, Gennaio 2009.

2009    A. Forte, G. Pesce, “The International Financial Crisis: An Expert Survey”, Southern Europe Research in Economic Studies – S.E.R.I.E.S., Working Paper No. 24.

2009     A. Forte, G. Pesce, “The International Financial Crisis Viewed by Experts”, Economic Notes, 38:1, 2009.

2009     A. Forte, “The Pass-Through Effect: a Twofold Analysis”, Economics and Econometrics Research Institute (EERI) Research Paper Series, No. 8 2009.

2009      A. Forte, “The Stability of the Inflation Rate in the Euro Area: the role of Globalization and Labour Market”, MPRA Paper No. 16587, University Library of Munich.

2010    A. Forte, "Some Empirical Evidence of the Euro Area Monetary Policy”, Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Fields, 2010, I, (1), pp. 42-58.

2010    A. Forte, "The European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England: is the Taylor Rule an useful benchmark for the last decade?", Journal of Economics and Econometrics, 2010, 53, (2), pp. 1-31.

2011    A. Forte, “La politica monetaria negli Stati Uniti prima della Grande Crisi”, in V. D’Apice, G. Ferri, “Instabilità macroeconomica globale: crisi e regole della finanza”, Carocci, 2011. 

2011    A. Forte, “Italy after the Crisis: a case of recoveryless credit growth”, Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Fields, 2011, vol. 0(2), pp. 132-140.

2011   A. Forte, “Europa senza liquidità”, 18 novembre 2011, Il Cerino,

2012   A. Cepparulo, A. Forte, “Microeconomic determinants of losses in financial institutions during the crisis”, MPRA Paper No. 38539, University Library of Munich.

2012   A. Forte, L. Giacomello, “Dall’Italia all’Europa, dall’Europa all’Italia. Giovani Professionisti in Movimento”, Ricerca prodotta per il Forum Nazionale dei Giovani in collaborazione con il CNEL.

2014   A. Cepparulo, A. Forte, “Microeconomic determinants of losses in financial institutions during the crisis”, Journal in Advanced Studies in Finance, Vol. V, Issue 1(9), pp. 27-37.

2015   G. Bonamini, V. D’Apice, A. Forte, “Inside European Financial Instability: Main Causes and Possible Solutions”, Economic Notes, Vol. 44, Issue 1, pp 123-149.

2015   A. Forte, "La crisi dei debiti sovrani europei: problemi e prospettive", in "Instabilità finanziaria: un evento transitorio o un'epoca dell'umanità?" a cura di V. D'Apice e G. Ferri, Rivista Studium, Anno 111°, n. 6., pp. 848-872.

2016   A. Forte, C. Milani, “Perché le banche italiane sono finite sull’ottovolante? Alcune riflessioni”, in Una ripresa senza crescita?, Economia Italiana, 2015/1-2-3, pp. 101- 113.

2018   A. Forte, “Changes in the ECB’s monetary policy approach during the crisis”, in “Macroeconomic Theory and the Eurozone Crisis”, a cura di A. Alcouffe, Routledge, ISBN 978-0-8153-6404-7.

2018   A. Forte, “L’economia del Regno Unito dopo il referendum pro Brexit”, Current Issues del CER, 14 dicembre 2018.

2020   A. Forte, “Rischio di mercato e rischio sistemico ai tempi del Coronavirus”, Current Issues del CER, 27 marzo 2020.

2021   De Bonis R., G. Ferri, A. Forte, D.B. Silipo, “How banks allocate loans in Italy: a long run perspective”, MPRA Paper No. 106123, University Library of Munich.

2021   A. Forte, “L’I.P.S. delle banche Raiffeisen. Una realtà europea che diventa italiana”, Collana di lavoro bancario e diritto, allegato a “Confronti e Intese” maggio-giugno 2021, Sinfub, ISSN 2038-436X.

2022   A. Forte, "Evidenze dell’uso di moratorie e prestiti garantiti dallo Stato nei Paesi europei" MPRA Paper 113680, University Library of Munich, Germany.

2023   A. Forte, “Moratorie e prestiti con garanzia statale nel corso della crisi pandemica: differenze tra Paesi europei”, Rivista Bancaria-Minerva Bancaria n. 1-2/2023, pp. 67-102, ISSN 1594-7556.