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Daniele Saraulli

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Docente a contratto




GEPLI (Roma)

Corso di Laurea

Scienze del servizio sociale e del non profit (Roma)

Daniele Saraulli

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Curriculum vitae

Ufficiale psicologo del Corpo della Guardia di Finanza, con incarico di Capo Sezione Supporto presso il Comando Interregionale dell’Italia Nord-Occidentale, coordina le attività di assistenza psicologica e formazione a favore del personale in servizio nelle regioni Lombardia, Liguria, Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta. Specialista in psicoterapia cognitivo-comportamentale, dottore di ricerca in scienze cognitive e in psicobiologia, già associato di ricerca presso l’Istituto di biologia cellulare e neurobiologia del CNR, è docente a contratto presso la LUMSA dal 2010. 

Orari di ricevimento

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Didattica e insegnamenti

Insegnamento Anno accademico Percorso di studi CFU


2024 / 2025



2023 / 2024



2022 / 2023


Tutte le pubblicazioni

Finestrella M., Rizzi L., Messina I., Saraulli D., Spataro P. (2023) Relations between mindfulness, perceived stress and psychopathological symptoms in healthcare professionals and control participants. Psychology Hub, 40, 95–103. 10.13133/2724-2943/17810.

Saraulli D., Mulligan N.W., Saraulli S., Spataro P. (2023) Exploring the roles of distinctiveness and performance anticipation in the Attentional Boost Effect. Memory, 31, 1282–1294. 10.1080/09658211.2023.2260147.

Rossi-Arnaud C., Saraulli D., Spataro P., Prull M. (2023) Editorial: The attentional boost effect and related phenomena: new insights into the relation between attention and memory. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1226596.

Saraulli D., Mastroberardino S., Spataro P. (2023) Emotional and health correlates of body dissatisfaction during the menopausal transition. BPA – Bulletin of Applied Psychology, 296, 53–64.

Battistini J.I., Mastrorilli V., Nicolis di Robilant V., Saraulli D., Marinelli S., Farioli-Vecchioli S. (2023) Role of running-activated neural stem cells in the anatomical and functional recovery after TBI in p21 knockout mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24, 2911.

Spataro P., Mulligan N.W., Saraulli D., Rossi-Arnaud C. (2022) The attentional boost effect facilitates the encoding of contextual details: New evidence with verbal materials and a modified recognition task. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 84, 1489–1500.

Spataro P., Mulligan N.W., Cestari V., Santirocchi A., Saraulli D., Rossi-Arnaud C. (2022) The attentional boost effect enhances the item-specific, but not the relational, encoding of verbal material: Evidence from multiple recall tests with related and unrelated lists. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 48, 1083–1097.

Gribaudo S., Saraulli D., Nato G., Bonzano S., Gambarotta G., Luzzati, F., Costanzi M., Peretto P., Bovetti S., De Marchis S. (2021) Neurogranin regulates adult-born olfactory granule cell spine density and odor-reward associative memory in mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22, 4269.

Saraulli D., Zanetti H., Spataro P. (2021) Explicit and implicit conceptual memory in pregnancy and post-partum: a cross-sectional study investigating the use of item-specific and relational encoding processes. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75, 64–76.

Spataro P., Saraulli D., Cestari V., Mulligan, N.W., Santirocchi A., Borowiecki O., Rossi-Arnaud C. (2020) The attentional boost effect enhances the recognition of bound features in short-term memory. Memory, 28, 926–937.

Costantini G., Saraulli D., Perugini M. (2020) Uncovering the motivational core of traits: the case of conscientiousness. European Journal of Personality, 34, 1073–1094.

Costanzi M., Cianfanelli B., Saraulli D., Lasaponara S., Doricchi F., Cestari V., Rossi-Arnaud C. (2019) The effect of emotional valence and arousal on visuo-spatial working memory: incidental emotional learning and memory for object-location. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:2587.

Nicolis di Robilant V., Scardigli R., Strimpakos G., Tirone F., Middei S., Scopa C., De Bardi M., Battistini L., Saraulli D., Farioli-Vecchioli S. (2019) Running-activated neural stem cells enhance subventricular neurogenesis and improve olfactory behaviour in p21 knockout mice. Molecular Neurobiology, 56, 7534–7556.

Spataro P.*, Saraulli D.*, Mulligan N.W., Rossi-Arnaud C., Cestari V., Costanzi M. (2018) Not all identification tasks are born equal: testing the involvement of production processes in perceptual identification and lexical decision. Psychological Research, 82, 685–699.

Rossi-Arnaud C., Spataro P., Costanzi M., Saraulli D., Cestari V. (2018) Divided attention enhances the recognition of emotional stimuli: evidence from the Attentional Boost Effect, Memory, 26, 42–52.

Micheli L., Ceccarelli M., Gioia R., D'Andrea G., Farioli-Vecchioli S., Costanzi M., Saraulli D., Cestari V., Tirone F. (2017) Terminal differentiation of adult hippocampal progenitor cells is a step functionally dissociable from proliferation and is controlled by Tis21 through Id3 and NeuroD2. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 11:186.

Saraulli D., Costanzi M., Mastrorilli V., Farioli-Vecchioli S. (2017) The long run: neuroprotective effects of physical exercise on adult neurogenesis from youth to old age. Current Neuropharmacology, 15, 519–533.

Mastrorilli V., Scopa C., Saraulli D., Costanzi M., Scardigli R., Rouault J.P., Farioli-Vecchioli S., Tirone F. (2017) Physical exercise rescues defective neural stem cells and neurogenesis in the adult subventricular zone of Btg1 knockout mice. Brain Structure and Function, 222, 2855–2876.

Spataro P.*, Saraulli D.*, Oriolo D., Costanzi M., Zanetti H., Cestari V., Rossi-Arnaud C. (2016) Memory in pregnancy and post-partum: item specific and relational encoding processes in recall and recognition. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 57, 271–277.

Spataro P.*, Saraulli D.*, Costanzi M., Cestari V., Rossi-Arnaud C. (2016) Implicit memory in schizophrenia: a meta-analysis. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 69, 136–144.

Spataro P., Saraulli D. (2015) On the requirements of feature finding in visual short-term memory: evidence from the Attentional Boost Effect. In: Columbus, A.M. (Ed.), Advances in Psychology Research, Vol. 111. Hauppage, NY, Nova Science Publishers.

ISBN: 978-1-63482-965-6.

Costanzi M.*, Saraulli D.*, Cannas S., D’Alessandro F., Florenzano F., Rossi-Arnaud C., Cestari V. (2014) Fear but not fright: re-establishing adaptive fear after trauma. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8:279.

Rossi-Arnaud C., Spataro P., Saraulli D., Marques V., Sciarretta A., Mulligan N.W., Cestari V. (2014) The Attentional Boost Effect in schizophrenia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 123, 588–597.

Farioli-Vecchioli S., Mattera A., Micheli L., Ceccarelli M., Leonardi L., Saraulli D., Costanzi M., Cestari V., Rouault J.P., Tirone F. (2014) Running rescues defective adult neurogenesis by shortening the cell cycle length of neural stem and progenitor cells. Stem Cells, 32, 1968–1982.

Cestari V., Rossi-Arnaud C., Saraulli D., Costanzi M. (2014) The MAP(K) of fear: from memory consolidation to memory extinction. Brain Research Bulletin, 105, 8–16.

Farioli-Vecchioli S.*, Ceccarelli M.*, Saraulli D.*, Micheli L., Cannas S., D’Alessandro F., Scardigli R., Leonardi L., Cinà I., Costanzi M., Cestari V., Tirone F. (2014) Tis21 is required for adult neurogenesis in the subventricular zone and for olfactory behavior as a regulator of cyclins, BMP4, Hes1/5 and Ids levels. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 8:98.

Ioime L., Saraulli D., Spataro P. (2014) Memory and neuropsychological dysfunctions in the Generalized Anxiety Disorder. In Pozzi G., Janiri J., Guglielmo R. (Eds.), New Perspec-tives on Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Hauppage, NY, Nova Science Publishers.

ISBN: 978-1-62948-036-7.

Pristerà A.*, Saraulli D.*, Farioli-Vecchioli S., Strimpakos G., Costanzi M., Di Certo M.G., Cannas S., Ciotti M.T., Tirone F., Mattei E., Cestari V., Canu N. (2013) Impact of N-tau on adult hippocampal neurogenesis, anxiety, and memory. Neurobiology of Aging, 34, 2551–2563.

Cestari V.*, Saraulli D.*, Spataro P., Marques V., Lega A., Sciarretta A., Rossi-Arnaud C. (2013) Memory for symmetry and perceptual binding in patients with schizophrenia. Acta Psychologica, 144, 594–603.

Spataro P., Longobardi E., Saraulli D., Rossi-Arnaud C. (2013) Interactive effects of age-of-acquisition and repetition priming in the lexical decision task: a multiple loci account. Experimental Psychology, 60, 235–242.

Farioli-Vecchioli S.*, Micheli L.*, Saraulli D.*, Ceccarelli M., Cannas S., Scardigli R., Leonardi L., Cinà I., Costanzi M., Ciotti M.T., Moreira P., Rouault J.P., Cestari V., Tirone F. (2012) Btg1 is required to maintain the pool of stem and progenitor cells of the dentate gyrus and subventricular zone. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 6:124.

Costanzi M., Cannas S., Saraulli D., Rossi-Arnaud C., Cestari V. (2011) Extinction after retrieval: Effects on the associative and non-associative components of remote contextual fear memory. Learning & Memory, 18, 508–518.

Coppola G., Costantini A., Gaita M., Saraulli D. (2011) Psychological correlates of enuresis: A case-control study on an Italian sample. Pediatric Nephrology, 26, 1829–1836.

Batassa E.M., Costanzi M., Saraulli D., Barbato C., Cogoni C., Cestari V. (2010) RISC activity in hippocampus is essential for contextual memory. Neuroscience Letters, 471, 185–188.

Farioli-Vecchioli S.*, Saraulli D.*, Costanzi M., Leonardi L., Cinà I., Micheli L., Ho P., Cestari V., Tirone F. (2009) Impaired terminal differentiation of hippocampal granule neurons and defective contextual memory in PC3/Tis21 knockout mice. PLoS ONE, 4:e8339.

Costanzi M., Saraulli D., Rossi-Arnaud C., Aceti M., Cestari V. (2009) Memory impairment induced by an interfering task is reverted by pre-frontal cortex lesions: a possible role for an inhibitory process in memory suppression in mice. Neuroscience, 158, 503–513.

Farioli-Vecchioli S.*, Saraulli D.*, Costanzi M., Pacioni S., Cinà I., Aceti M., Micheli L., Bacci A., Cestari V., Tirone F. (2008) The timing of differentiation of adult hippocampal neurons is crucial for spatial memory. PLoS Biology, 6:e246.