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Federico Vigevano

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Federico Vigevano

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Curriculum vitae

Work experience
February 2024- Head Paediatric Neurorehabilitation Dpt IRCCS San Raffaele
January 2023 - Director of Neurosciences and Rehabilitation Research Area;
August 2020 - Director of Neurosciences Department at Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù;
January 2010 - Director of the Neuroscience and Neurorehabilitation Department, at Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù;
January 2009 - Director of the Department of Neurosciences, Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù;
1997 - Head of UOC Neurology, Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù;
1982 - Head of UOC Neurophysiology, Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù;
1978 - Assistant Neurologist, Child Neuropsychiatry Unit, Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù.

Education and training
Postgraduate Diploma in Neurology and Psychiatry achieved on 12.01.1977, at the I ^ Clinic of Nervous and Mental Diseases, University of Rome, with the mark 70/70 cum laude
Degree in Medicine and Surgery, 8-11-1974, at the University of Rome with 110/110 cum laude
High school diploma awarded in 1968 at the institute "Massimiliano Massimo" in Rome
Dr. Federico Vigevano has focused on studies, using video-EEG monitoring systems, in the field of childhood epilepsy, with particular attention to seizures in the first years of life. He studied the electroclinical patterns of various types of epileptic seizures in childhood, especially epileptic spasms. He identified a clinical entity that is currently recognized as a new syndrome called Vigevano-Watanabe Syndrome or Benign Infantile Familial Seizures. Studies on focal dysplasias and hemimegalencephaly led to the definition of surgical indications for these cases and in general for paediatric patients with resistant epilepsy. Data regarding non-epileptic paroxysmal manifestations in childhood have been collected for years with the use of video-EEG monitoring. These documents have been presented at the most important international epilepsy congress. Dr. Vigevano has been a member of various International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) Commissions for epileptic syndromes classification and diagnostic strategies. In 1996 he was elected Secretary of the Lega Italiana Contro l’Epilessia (LICE) and has been President since 1999 to 2002. Since 2001 to 2005 has been Chair of European Advisory Council. He has been in the Scientific and/or Organizing Committee of the European Congress: Florence, Madrid, Vienna, Stockholm. Has been the Chair of the Scientific Committee of the International Congress on Epilepsy (Rome 2011). He is the organizer of the annual “International Course on Resistant Epilepsy” (Tagliacozzo – Italy). He is member of the board of the European Paediatric Neurology Society

Scientific assignments

  • Secretary of LICE 1996-1999.
  • President of the LICE from 1999 to 2002.
  • Member of the ILAE Commission of European Affaires 2001-2009.
  • President of the European Advisory Council of the European Leagues Against Epilepsy 2001 to 2005..
  • Advisory Board of Epileptic Disorders from 1999 to 2014.
  • President of the Epilepsy Foundation since 2010.
  • Referee of the following journals: Epilepsia; Brain Development; Italian Journal of Neurological Science, Italian Journal of Paediatrics, European J. of Paediatric Neurology, Epileptic Disorders.
  • Member of the ILAE Commission on Classification and Terminology (Syndromes and Diagnostic Manual Task Force) since 2014.
  • Dr. Vigevano has been on the advisory board of "Epileptic Disorders" and "Epilepsia". He has published more than 230 papers in English in the most important international journals dedicated prevalently to epilepsy.
  • Since October 2022 is Head of the Epilepsy National Virtual Institute of RIN


  • Ambassador of Epilepsy since 2001
  • Prof. Vigevano received the European Epileptology Award by the ILAE Commission on European Affairs (CEA). Prague, September 2016.
  • Prof. Vigevano received the ILAE (GLAE) Award to the career for epilepsy. Tbilisi, Georgia, May 2018       

Academic assignments

  • Adjunct Professor at the Child Neuropsychiatry Postgraduate School of the Tor Vergata University - Rome
  • Professor of Child Neuropsychiatry at the Degree in Psychology of the LUMSA University – Rome
  • Director of the Masters dedicated to the ABA method at the Humanitas Consortium in Rome from 2017 to date.

Main research topics

Pediatric Epilepsy, Drug-resistant Epilepsy, Genetic of Epilepsy, Video-EEG and Long-term monitoring in epilepsy, Coma in children, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Non-epileptic paroxysmal manifestations, Crisis by Video-Game, Developmental disability, Neonatal Neurology.
Author or co-author of more than 200 scientific papers published in international journals.


Orari di ricevimento

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Didattica e insegnamenti

Insegnamento Anno accademico Percorso di studi CFU


2024 / 2025



2023 / 2024

Psicologia Clinica



2022 / 2023

Psicologia Clinica


Tutte le pubblicazioni

Most important publications of the last 10 years

Della Bella G, Castelli E, Vigevano F.Ital J Pediatr. 2022 Sep 6;48(1):166.