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Grazia Terrone

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Scienze umane (Roma)

Corso di Laurea

Scienze e tecniche psicologiche

Grazia Terrone

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Curriculum vitae

Professoressa Associato di Psicologia Dinamica (M-PSI/07) presso il Dipartimento di Storia, Patrimonio culturale, Formazione e società, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” dal 1 novembre 2022 ad oggi

Dottorato in Psicologia dinamica, clinica e dello sviluppo - XVIII ciclo

- presso il Dipartimento di Psicologia Dinamica e Clinica, Università di Roma “Sapienza”. Tesi dal titolo: “Influenze della depressione materna sulla qualità del legame di attaccamento madre-bambino. Indagine nel contesto dell’alimentazione”


Codificatrice abilitata dei seguenti strumenti di valutazione:

Scala di Valutazione dell’Interazione Alimentare Madre-Bambino (SVIA), reliability conseguita con i Prof. M. Ammaniti, Prof.ssa L. Lucarelli., Università di Roma “Sapienza”, 2007 Training corso a Roma.

Conflict  Interpersonal System Coding Scale Training Corso, tenuto dalla prof.ssa Kathleen McCoy a Roma.

Friends and Family Interview (FFI) reliability conseguita con il Prof. Howard Steele, New School, NYC. Training course a New York.

Orari di ricevimento

Il ricevimento si svolgerà il mercoledì dalle ore 11:30 alle ore 12:30 in aula docenti di piazza delle Vaschette.

Didattica e insegnamenti

Insegnamento Anno accademico CFU


2024 / 2025



2023 / 2024


Tutte le pubblicazioni

Terrone Grazia, Santona Alessandra (2013) Depressione materna e qualità dell'attaccamento: implicazioni sulle interazioni madre-bambino. Rassegna di psicologia n.3, 2013 pp. 51-76. ISBN: 9788843068784, ISSN 1125-5196.

 Terrone G., Di Sarno V., Ferri R., Lucarelli L. (2014) Development of personal and social autonomy in teenagers and young adults with Down Syndrome: an empirical study on self-representations in family relationships. Life Span and Disability, Vol. 17, 2, 2014, pp. 223-244, ISSN: 2035-5963.

 Santona, A., Tagini, A., Sarracino, D., De Carli, P., Pace, C.S., Parolin, L., Terrone, G (2015) Maternal depression and attachment: The evaluation of mother-child interactions during feeding practice. Frontiers in Psychology, Vol 6, AUG, 2015, ISSN: 1664-1078,

Pace C.S., Di Folco S., Guerriero, V., Santona, A., Terrone, G (2015)., Adoptive arenting and attachment: Association of the internal working models between adoptive mothers and their late-adopted children during adolescence. Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 6, SEP, 2015, Pages 1-11,

Terrone G., Raschielli S., Marino A., Costrini P., (2015) Perception of risk behaviours connected to gambling in adolescents: individual differences role played by the attachment. Atti del convegno, XVII National congres Italian Psychological association clinical and dynamic section, Milazzo, Messina, September 25-27, 2015. Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology MJCP, SUPPL. N.1B, vol.3, No.2 /2015. ISSN: 2282-1619.

Musetti A., Terrone G., Corsano P., Magnani B.,Salvatore S., (2016) Attachment, parental bonding and psychopathology in adult substance abusers. Frontiers I Psychology, vol. 7 AUG, 2016; pag. 1-9.

Salvatore S., Gelo O.G., Gennaro A., Metrangolo R., Terrone G., Pace V., Venuleo C., Venezia A., Ciavolino E. (2017) An automated method of content analysis for psychotherapy research: A further validation. Psychotherapy Research, SEP., 2015, ISSN: 1050-3307.

Terrone G., Musetti A., Di Folco S, Pergola F. (2017) Depressione materna e aterna: fattori di rischio e di protezione nella genitorialità Maltrattamento e abuso all'infanzia, 19(1), pp. 105-132.

Musetti A., Cattivelli R., Zuglian P.,Terrone G., Pozzoli S., Capelli F., Castelnuovo C. (2017) Internet Addiction Disorder o Internet Related Psychopathology?, Giornale Italiano di Psicologia 2,2017.

Altamura M., Iuso S., Terrone G., Balzotti A., Carnevale R., Malerba S., Bellomo A., Petito A., (2017) Comparing interpersonal counseling and antidepressant treatment in primary care patients with anxious and nonanxious major depression disorder: A randomized control trial. Clinical Neuropsychiatry (2017) 14, 4, 257-262.

Musetti A., Terrone G., Schimmenti A., (2018) An Exploratory on problematic internet use predictorc:_ which role for Attachment and dissociation? Clinical Neuropsychiatry (2018) 15, 1, 35-4.

Terrone G., Musetti A., Raschielli S., Marino A., Costrini P., Mossi P., Salvatore S., Caretti V., (2018) Attachment Relationships and interalizationa and externalization problems in a group of adolescents with pathological gambling disorder. Clinical Neuropsychiatry (2018) 15, 1, 66-74.

Camilla Guccione, Giulia Lanza di Scalea, Marianna Ambrosecchia, Grazia Terrone, Gianluigi Di Cesare, Giuseppe Ducci, Adriano Schimmenti, Vincenzo Caretti (2019) Early Signs of schizophrenia and autonomic nervous system dysregulation: a literature review. Clinical Neuropsychiatry (2019) 16, 2, 86-97.

 Mangialavori, S., Terrone, G., Cantiano, A., Chiara Franquillo, A., Di Scalea, G. L., Ducci, G., & Cacioppo, M. (2019). Dyadic adjustment and prenatal parental depression: A study with expectant mothers and fathers. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 38(10), 860-881.

Schimmenti A., Sideli L., La Marca L., Gori A., Terrone G (2019) Reliability, Validity, and Factor Structure of the Maladaptive Daydreaming Scale (MDS-16) in an Italian Sample. Journal of Personality Assessment.

Terrone G., Mangialavori S., Lanza di Scalea G., Cantiano A., Temporin G., Ducci G., Gori A., Cacioppo M., Schimmenti A., Caretti V. (2020) The Relationship Between Dyadic Adjustment and Psychiatric Symptomatology in Expectant Couples: An Actor-Partner Interdependency Model Approach. Journal Affective Disorders

Musetti, A., Grazia, V., Manari, T., Terrone, G., Corsano, P. (2021) Linking childhood emotional neglect to adolescents' parent-related loneliness: Self-other differentiation and emotional detachment from parents as mediators (2021) Child Abuse and Neglect, 122.

Mangialavori, S., Cacioppo, M., Terrone, G., O'Hara, M.W. (2021) A dyadic approach to stress and prenatal depression in first-time parents: The mediating role of marital satisfaction Stress and Health, 37 (4), pp. 755-765.

Schimmenti, A., Musetti, A., Costanzo, A., Terrone, G., Maganuco, N.R., Aglieri Rinella, C., Gervasi, A.M. (2021) The Unfabulous Four: Maladaptive Personality Functioning, Insecure Attachment, Dissociative Experiences, and Problematic Internet Use Among Young Adults (2021) International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 19 (2), pp. 447-461.

Terrone, G., Gori, A., Topino, E., Musetti, A., Scarinci, A., Guccione, C., Caretti, V. (2021) The link between attachment and gambling in adolescence: A multiple mediation analysis with developmental perspective, theory of mind (friend) and adaptive response (2021) Journal of Personalized Medicine, 11 (3).

Musetti, A., Giammarresi, G., Goth, K., Petralia, A., Barone, R., Rizzo, R., Concas, I., Terrinoni, A., Basile, C., Di Maggio, C., Lopez, F., Terrone, G., Alessandra, A., Messena, M., Imperato, C., Sibilla, F., Caricati, L., Mancini, T., Corsano, P., Aguglia, E. (2021) Psychometric Properties of the Italian Version of the Assessment of Identity Development in Adolescence (AIDA) (2021) Identity, 21 (3), pp. 255-269.

Musetti, A., Gori, A., Alessandra, A. , ... Cacioppo, M. , Franceschini, C. (2022) The Interplay Between Problematic Online Pornography Use, Psychological Stress, Emotion Dysregulation and Insomnia Symptoms During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Mediation Analysis. Nature and Science of Sleep, 2022, 14, pp. 83-92.

Usubini, A.G., Terrone, G., Varallo, G., ... Musetti, A., Franceschini, C. (2022) The Mediating Role of Emotion Dysregulation and Problematic Internet Use in the Relationship Between Negative Affect and Excessive Daytime Sleepiness: A Structural Equation Model.Nature and Science of Sleepthis link is disabled, 2022, 14, pp. 291-302

Baldoni, F. , Giannotti, M. , Casu, G. , Agostini F., Mandolesi R., Peverieri S., Ambrogetti N., SpelziniF., Caretti, V., Terrone, G. (2022) The Perinatal Assessment of Paternal Affectivity (PAPA): Italian validation of a new tool for the screening of perinatal depression and affective disorders in fathers. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2022, 317, pp. 123-130.

Baldoni, F. , Agostini, F. , Terrone, G. , Casu, G. , Giannotti, M. A (2023) Psychometric Study of the Perinatal Assessment of Maternal Affectivity (PAMA) for the Screening of Perinatal Affective Disorders in Mothers Healthcare (Switzerland), 2023, 11(6), 907.

Terrone, G.; Bianciardi, E.; Fontana, A.; Pinci, C.; Castellani, G.; Sferra, I.; Forastiere, A.; Merlo, M.; Marinucci, E.; Rinaldi, F.; et al.(2023) Psychological Characteristics of Women with Perinatal Depression Who Require Psychiatric Support during Pregnancy or Postpartum: A Cross-Sectional Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 5508.