Mebane M.E., Benedetti M., Barni D., Francescato D. (2023). Promoting Climate Change Awareness with High School Stdents for a Sustainable Community. Sustainability. 15(14):11260.
Mebane M.E., Benedetti M., Barni D., Passaro A., Francescato D. (2023). How climate change is changing us. A pilot study on whether negative and positive affect towards climate change promote environmental engagement or unhealthy behaviors. Psicologia di comunità. 1/2023, 54-73, Doi: 10.3280/PSC2023-001004.
Mebane M.E., Benedetti M. (2022). Hopes and fears for the future of different local communities. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 13(2), 1-17.
Mebane M.E., Benedetti M. (2021). Community profiling focus group: An empowering tool for immigrant community groups. Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community. 50(3):240-256; doi: 10.1080/10852352.2021.1918828. Epub 2021 Sep 28. PMID: 34582314.
Mebane M.E., Benedetti M., (2020), Promoting the wellbeing of unemployed: a pilot study, in D'Ambrosio, I., & Palumbo, P. (Eds.). (2020). Welfare and market: A social, economic and legal analysis.
Tomai M., Pezzuti L., Mebane M.E., Benedetti M., Moro A., (2017), The impact of dispositional variables of elders, relatives and paid caregivers on elders’ empowerment and life satisfaction Experimental Aging Research, 43:4, 367-378, DOI: 10.1080/0361073X.2017.1333833, (IF = 1.690)
Francescato D., Pezzuti L., Mebane M., Tomai M., Benedetti M., Moro A., (2016), Dispositional characteristics, relational well being and perceived life satisfaction and empowerment of elders, Aging & Mental Health. DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2016.1191058 (IF = 1.781).
Tomai M., Mebane M.E., Rosa V., Benedetti M. (2014), Can Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Promote Counter-stereotypical Gender Communication Styles in Male and Female University Students? Original Research Article. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 116, 21 February 2014, Pages 4384-4392. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.01.952. Indexed on the science direct SCOPUS and Web of Science.
Tomai M., Mebane M. E., Rosa V., Ingravalle V., Benedetti M. (2013). Do virtual groups experience less conflict than traditional teams? AWER Procedia Information Technology & Computer Science, 4, 926-938.
Francescato D., Mebane , M.E. Tomai M., Benedetti M., Rosa V., (2012), Promoting social capital, empowerment and counter-stereotypical behavior in male and female students in on-line cscl communities, in Hector Cuadra Montiel, Globalization / Book 1, ISBN 9780520241251, Hector Cuadra Montiel Publishing house: InTech.
Francescato, D., Mebane, M.E., Benedetti, M., Veronica, R., Solimeno, A., & Tomai, M. (2010), Empowering Students, Teachers, Non-teaching Staff and Parents in a ‘Troubled High School’ through Strategies of CP Multidimensional Interventions. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 1(1), 1-12, ISSN: 2163-8667,
Tomai M., Rosa V., Mebane M. E., D’Acunti A., Benedetti M., & Francescato D., 2009. Virtual communities in schools as tools to promote social capital with high school, Computers & Education, 54,1, pp. 265-274. (Impact Factor: 2.190).
Benedetti M., 2004, Equal Opportunity all over Europe, in Simsik D., Galajdova A., Ara G., Micangeli A., Annan A., “Attrain: Assistive Technology Consultant/Advisor Training Development and Delivery”, European Commission Progetto Socrates Grundtvig, edizione italiana “Tecnologie per l’Autonomia”.
Micangeli A., Benedetti M., Federici S., (2003), Enabling Manager Technology, the approach of the International Classification of Function and Health at school level, in Cognitive Processing, vol 4.
Giusti E., Benedetti M., (2011), Counselling di comunità, la rete psicologica del benessere sociale, Sovera, Roma.
Micangeli A., Benedetti M., a cura di, (2009), Renewable in Emergencies, technological and Psychological Empowerment: Social Environment and Renewable Energyin International Emergencies, Edizioni Sapienza Università di Roma. ISBN978-88-8326-018-6.
Francescato D., Benedetti M., (2012), Umorismo e salute: una sinergia possibile, Psicologia della salute, 1/2012.
Benedetti M., Petyx M., Francescato D., Buresti G., Rondinone B. M., Iavicoli S., (2014), I lavoratori immigrati nell’assistenza familiare: un’indagine preliminare nel territorio romano, Affari Socialii Internazionali, IDOS, Roma.
Benedetti M., Mebane M.E., Oancea D., (2010), Promozione del dialogo interculturale in un quartiere multietnico attraverso una ricerca intervento sui profili di comunità, Psicologia di comunità, 2/2010.
Francescato D., Benedetti M., Gallotta E., Tozzi T., (2007), La prevenzione del fenomeno della violenza negli stadi, un’analisi esplorativa nelle comunità di Roma e Cava de’ Tirreni, in Fargnoli A. L., a cura di, “L’Eredità di Caino”, Edizioni Kappa, Roma.
Francescato D., Bolognesi S., Porcelli R., Benedetti M., (2005), Le storie di vita come metodologia per lo studio dell’empowerment personale, Rassegna di Psicologia, vol.XXII, n.3.
Report di Ricerche / Presentazioni Convegni internazionali
Benedetti M., Francescato D., Mebane M., Tomai M., Rosa V., Angrisani L.,Hospital Clown Therapy: a Study on its Impact in a Pediatric Surgery Department, 13th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2013), Stockholm 9-12 July 2013. Granted as the best oral presentation abstract in Behavioral Medicine by The Swedish Behavioral Medicine Society (Svennk Beteendemedicinsk Forening, SBF).
Francescato D., Pezzuti L., Benedetti M., MebaneM., Tomai M., Dispositional variables, and relational contexts of successful aging, 13thEuropean Congress of Psychology (ECP 2013), Stockholm 9-12 July 2013.
Francescato D., Tomai M., Pezzuti L., Benedetti M., Mebane M., (2012), Personality and relational characteristics of elders, caregivers and family members and life satisfaction, International Journal Of Psychology, ISSN 0020-7594, Psychology Press pp. 649, 10.1080/00207594.2012.709122, (I.F.: 1,097).
Francescato D., Tomai M., Brancadoro B., Benedetti 20. M., Mebane M.E., (2012), Perceived obstacles and empowering factors influencing the wellbeing of residents in small towns, and urban areas, International Journal Of Psychology, ISSN 0020-7594, Psychology Press pp. 153-4, 10.1080/00207594.2012.709090, (I.F.: 1,097)
Benedetti M., Fantini L., 2012, Fundamental Rights situation of persons with mental health problems and persons with intellectual disabilities: desk report Italy. Report commissioned by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), svolta in collaborazione con Human European Consultancy, Leeds The Netherlands.[0]=documents_search&areas[1]=2006-01-27&areas[2]=2016-12-01&areas[3]=38
Giampiero Griffo, Maura Benedetti and Andrea Micangeli, National accessibility Report, 2012, Annual report of Aned, Accademic Network of Expert on Disability.[0]=documents_search&areas[1]=2006-01-27&areas[2]=2016-12-01&areas[3]=38
Benedetti M., Caprino F., Fantini L., Micangeli A., Petrie H., Power C., Barbuto R., Amodio P., Carmien S., Del Campo E., Sarniero M., Montandon L., Porch W., Weiermair- Marki C., 2007, “Analysis of Current Services for Adult Learners with Special Needs and other Users of the Architecture. Description of existing services”.
Micangeli A., Benedetti M., Puglisi A., Vignola R., Di Benedetto G., 2009, ANED country report on the implementation of policies supporting independent living for disable people,
Micangeli A., Puglisi A., Vignola R., Benedetti M., 2010, ANED country report on the employment of disabled people in European countries,