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Stellamarina Donato

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Stellamarina Donato

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Curriculum vitae


Stellamarina Donato è ricercatrice a tempo determinato (RTDA) presso l’Università LUMSA. È Vice-chair e co-gender advisor per l’azione COST CA19112 Women on the Move (WEMov). Inoltre, è co-coordinator del RN33 Women’s and Gender Studies network dell' European Sociological Association (ESA). Ha pubblicato su riviste internazionali e nazionali, ad esempio il Journal of International Migration and Integration, Violence against women, International Review of Sociology, The International Journal of Press/Politics, Italian Sociological Review, The Communication Review e Cultura Latinoamericana . I suoi ultimi libri sono: “Agency e diritti delle donne tra Europa mediterranea e Nord Africa”, pubblicato da Loffredo Editore nel 2024 e “Laws and policies to contrast and prevent Gender-Based Violence Against Women: A comparative analysis between Spain and Italy (1993-2015)” pubblicato dalla Vernon press nel 2023. 


Stellamarina Donato is a Researcher (RTDa) at LUMSA University in Rome, within the Department of Human Studies. She has a keen interest in women's agency, with a specific focus on gender migration and gender-based violence against women. Presently, she primarily focuses on women's return migration between the EU and MENA regions, conducting fieldwork in Morocco and Tunisia as part of the PRIN project, "WE PROPOSE: Processes, policies, and networks in support of women’s returnees to Tunisia and Morocco."

She is Vice-chair and co-gender advisor for the COST Action CA19112 Women on the Move (WEMov). She is co-coordinator of the RN33 Women’s and Gender Studies network of the European Sociological Association (ESA). She has published in international and national journals, such as the Journal of International Migration and Integration, Violence against Women, International Review of Sociology, The International Journal of Press/Politics, Italian Sociological Review, The Communication Review, and Cultura Latinoamericana. Her latest books are “Agency and Women's Rights between the Mediterranean Europe and North Africa,” published by Loffredo Editore in 2024, and “Laws and Policies to Contrast and Prevent Gender-Based Violence Against Women: A Comparative Analysis between Spain and Italy (1993-2015),” published by Vernon Press in 2023.

Stellamarina is currently the Co-Director of the Observatory on International Cooperation for Sustainable Development (OCISS), a collaboration between Centro Studi Internazionali (CSI) and the University of Salerno (UNISA). She serves as an advisor for Open Research Europe (ORE) and is a member of the scientific board for the Women on the Move project by Manchester University Press. Stellamarina served as Secretary General of the independent think tank Centro Studi Internazionali (CSI) in Naples from 2020 until 2022 and continues to contribute as a researcher.

Before her current position, she served as a Postdoctoral Researcher at LUISS University in Rome from September 2023 to January 2024, where she worked on gender inclusion in education practices, media narratives, and business strategies, comparing the cases of Italy and Spain. From February 2022 to August 2023, Stellamarina was a Postdoctoral Researcher at LUMSA University, working on the project "Italian Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic," funded by LUMSA University. Supervised by Prof. Consuelo Corradi, this research involved a comparative analysis of women's experiences in Morocco, Tunisia, Spain, and Italy before and during the pandemic.

In March 2022, she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the development of terms and policies adopted by the international community in combating gender-based violence against women (GBVAW). The thesis was approved with honors (cum laude) and she received the additional title of Doctor Europaeus. From January to June 2020, she won a scholarship as a Visiting Ph.D. researcher at the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR). From January to June 2018, she was a research intern at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, working on a project about populism and attitudes toward the EU in Central Europe.

She obtained her Master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Bologna in 2017, focusing on EU-Mediterranean relations with a thesis entitled “Migrants: A Challenge for the EU and Its Labor Market (Case Study: the EU and the MENA Region).” She collaborated with the Consulate of Cape Verde in Naples in 2017, managing integrative policies for the local Cape Verdean migrant community, and with the Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (CEAR) in Vecindario, Spain.

Prior to that, she obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Naples l’Orientale in 2015, graduating Magna Cum Laude. Her thesis explored the Western Sahara issue and the role of international and regional organizations.

Stellamarina is fluent in Italian, English, and Spanish, with intermediate proficiency in French and basic skills in Arabic. Her technical skills include excellent command of Microsoft Office and proficiency in ATLAS.ti, SPSS, and gender statistics.


Didattica e insegnamenti

Insegnamento Anno accademico Percorso di studi CFU


2024 / 2025

Giornalismo, relazioni pubbliche e digital media



2024 / 2025



2024 / 2025



2023 / 2024



2023 / 2024



2022 / 2023



Tutte le pubblicazioni

  • Donato S (2024). Agency e diritti delle donne tra Europa mediterranea e Nord Africa. :Loffredo Editore,

  • Picarella L; Donato S (2024). Breaking Barriers, Building Peace: Italy's Trailblazing Approach to Gender Equality in Military Operations under UN Resolution 1325 . CSI Review, p.63 - 74

  • Donato S; Ruiz M (2024). Gender mainstreaming and gender-disaggregated data on migrant women. Open Research Europe,

  • Mangone E; Donato S (2024). Online Hate Speech as an Unintended and Paradoxical Outcome of Cancel Culture. . (a cura di) In Estrella Gualda (Ed.) , Teorías de la conspiración discursos de odio en línea en la sociedad de las plataformas. Comparación de pautas en las narrativas y redes sociales sobre COVID-19, inmigrantes, refugiados, estudios de género y personas LGTBIQ+. Madrid:Madrid Dykinson., p.61 - 73 , DOI: , ISBN: 978-84-1170-913-2

  • Ruiz, M; Donato, S (2024). Reception Centers and Practices for Women Migrants. Open Research Europe,

  • Donato S (2023). Il fenomeno della violenza di genere contro le donne negli ultimi 30 anni: voci esperte a confronto in Italia e in Spagna. Sicurezza e Scienze Sociali , p.83 - 100

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