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Valerio Cosimo Romano

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Valerio Cosimo Romano

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Curriculum vitae

Valerio Cosimo Romano is Adjunct Professor of Competition Law at LUMSA and of Principles of Civil Law at LUISS Guido Carli, as well as Lecturer of Competition Law at LUISS Business School.

He practices law at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP in Rome and Milan, where he regularly advises clients on European and Italian competition law and commercial litigation, especially in the field of TMT and Energy. 

Valerio holds a Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza from LUMSA (with full marks and honours), an LL.M. from the University of Hamburg, an LL.M. from the University of Rotterdam, a M.A. from the University of Gent and a Ph.D. in Law and Economics from LUISS Guido Carli. He spent a year as Visiting Researcher at Harvard Law School and two years as Research Fellow at Stanford Law School.

Valerio has delivered conferences, lectures and workshops in the USA, Finland, France, Spain, Poland and Italy. His academic works appeared in the Journal of European Competition Law and PracticeEuropean Intellectual Property ReviewCompetition Law InsightEuropean Competition Law ReviewE-CompetitionsMercato Concorrenza RegoleDiritto del Commercio Internazionale, and Il Foro Italiano

Link personali

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Orari di ricevimento

Prof. Romano receives the students upon request.

Didattica e insegnamenti

Insegnamento Anno accademico Percorso di studi CFU


2024 / 2025



2023 / 2024



2022 / 2023


Tutte le pubblicazioni

  1. Il danno antitrust: prescrizione e valore probatorio delle decisioni di accettazione degli impegni (con G. Faella), in Mercato Concorrenza Regole, 2, 2020, pp. 411-426;
  2. The Covid-19 manifesto – Joining forces on competition law during the coronavirus crisis (con C. Neirotti e L. Moavero Milanesi), in Competition Law Insight, Business Intelligence |Informa, 19, 4;
  3. Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain: an Introduction to Competition Issues (con G. Faella), in Competition Law and Policy Debate, Claeys & Casteels, 3, 5, pp. 19-25;
  4. Antitrust and B2B transactions issues in agri-food supply chains (con R. Pardolesi), in Innovation in Agri-Food Law between Technology and Comparison (a cura di AIFA-IFLA), Cedam-Kluwer, Milano, pp. 92-103;
  5. Roman guidance – Italian competition authority guidelines on antitrust compliance programmes, in Competition Law Insight, Business Intelligence |Informa, 17, 10, pp. 10- 13;
  6. The UPS/TNT merger and its taxonomy of wrongs: ambiguous procedure, poor timing and even more ineffective remedies (con G. D’Andrea), in European Competition Law Review, Sweet & Maxwell, 38, 9, pp. 430-432;
  7. Problemi scelti in tema di abuso di dipendenza economica da ritardo nei pagamenti commerciali, in Danno e responsabilità, Wolters Kluwer, 22, 3, p. 380-385;
  8. The US District Court for the Easter District of Michigan dismisses a Sherman Act class action lawsuit for lack of antitrust injury (Shain /Advanced Technologies), in e-Competitions, febbario 2017, art. N° 83693;
  9. Il Leviatano monopolista, in Mercato Concorrenza Regole, 2/2016, p. 279-288;
  10. Stabilità del lodo straniero ed eccezione di ordine pubblico domestico in tema di clausole penali, in Diritto del Commercio Internazionale, Giuffrè, 2, pp. 536-540;
  11. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit holds that the invocation of intellectual property rights is a presumptively valid business justification sufficient to rebut a refusal to deal antitrust claim (Solidfx/Jeppesen Sanderson), in  e-Competitions, ottobre 2016, art. N° 83311;
  12. The US Court of Appeal for the Second Circuit reverses a price-fixing cartel verdict against Chinese defendants on international comity grounds (Vitamin C), in e-Competitions, settembre 2016, art. N° 82371;
  13. The EU Commission approves a joint venture between the third and fourth largest telecom operators in Italy subject to structural remedies (Hutchison/VimpelCom), in e-Competitions, settembre 2016, art. N° 82372;
  14. The US Court of Appeal for the Sixth Circuit reaffirms necessity for recoupment in predatory pricing complaints (Energy Conversion), in e-Competitions, agosto 2016, art. N° 81638;
  15. The French Competition Authority holds that the relevant market for retail distribution of electronic products comprises both physical and online stores (Fnac/Darty), in e-Competitions, luglio 2016, art. N° 81639;
  16. The UK Competition Appeal Tribunal awards competition damages in country’s first judgment on a standalone action (Sainsbury’s/MasterCard), in e-Competitions, luglio 2016, art. N° 81641;
  17. Nuove tecnologie per il mitridatismo regolamentare: il caso Uber Pop, in Mercato Concorrenza Regole, 1, 2015, p. 133-141;
  18. Empirical Comparative Law, Tesi di Dottorato, in Archivio istituzionale LUISS, pp. 99;
  19. Imputabilità alla società controllante delle sanzioni per la violazione di norme antitrust (con M. Casoria), in Foro Italiano, 11, IV, coll. 545-550;
  20. L'abuso di posizione dominante da fatto lecito, in Foro Italiano, 10, III, col. 612-618;
  21. Nullità di clausole compromissorie negli arbitrati sportivi per squilibrio strutturale tra i contraenti, in Diritto del Commercio Internazionale, 28, 2, p. 542-548;
  22. Data scraping and abuse of dominance in travel services: story of an antitrust guerrilla, in European Competition Law Review, 35, 5, p. 207-208;
  23. Multisidedness in ambito sportivo: alla ricerca di un grimaldello esegetico (con R. Pardolesi), in L’Europa e lo Sport. Profili Giuridici, economici e sociali (S. Bastianon ed.), Giuffrè Editore, p. 95-111;
  24. Likelihood of confusion in composite trademarks: a tale of alcoholic deer, in Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, Oxford University Press, 8, 8, p. 588-590;
  25. La gestione dei diritti televisivi sportivi: is it all about Weltanschauung?, in Rivista di Diritto Sportivo - Nuova Serie, Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano, 1/2013, p. 147-192;
  26. Corruption and Effort among Political Agents: Analysing Incentives and Evidence from the UK and Italy (con A. Waksman), in Polish Yearbook of Law and Economics, Vol. 3, 2013, p. 101-121;
  27. Trade marks: single colours can be protected (and competitors see red), in European Intellectual Property Review, Sweet & Maxwell, 35, 6, p. 307-308;
  28. Il giudice italiano è competente a conoscere dell’azione di risarcimento del danno da prodotti finanziari stipulati da un ente locale con alcuni Istituti di credito aventi sede all’estero, in Azienditalia, IPSOA, 11, p. 793-795;
  29. La natura della responsabilità da abuso di dipendenza economica tra contratto, illecito aquiliano e culpa in contrahendo, in Nuova Giurisprudenza Civile Commentata, CEDAM, 28, 4, p. 298-306;
  30. Ordinamento sportivo e risarcimento del danno: di giurisdizioni azzoppate, monstra logici ed altre amenità dottrinali, in Rivista di Diritto Sportivo – Nuova Serie, Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano, 1/2012, p. 117-147;
  31. ECJ Ruling on the Prohibition of On-line Sales in Selective Distribution Networks, in Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, Oxford University Press, 3, 4, p. 345-347;
  32. Vendite online nei networks di distribuzione selettiva: Il caso Pierre Fabre, in Mercato Concorrenza Regole, il Mulino, 1/2012, p. 145-150;
  33. The Italian Competition Authority fines on the basis of art. 2 L.287/90 four local associations for anticompetitive practices in the sector of services for thermic plants, (con C. Calvani) 22 settembre 2011, e-Competitions, no. 43694,;
  34. The Italian Competition Authority fines three companies and a multi-firm agent for concerted practices in the healthcare insurance sector (Campanian insurance tenders), 28 settembre 2011, e-Competitions, no. 39719,;
  35. Il federalismo demaniale in Germania: una legislazione multi-livello, in Bollettino dell’Osservatorio sul federalismo italiano, n.3;
  36. Le recenti riforme del federalismo tedesco: contenuti tecnici e prospettive politiche, in Bollettino dell’Osservatorio sul federalismo italiano, n.1;
  37. Risarcibilità del danno esistenziale da stress dovuto ad inadempimento contrattuale, 25 giugno 2010, in;
  38. Rapporto tra prelazione legale urbana e prelazione convenzionale. Ma è proprio vero che “prior in tempore, potior in iure?”, 2010, in